Ok, so the ever patient Lucy was a trooper again today. I should mention that I am really looking at exposure and not composition... Today I really wanted to see what it would look like if I exposed to capture more details in the sun-lit hair. My goal is to love what I get sooc. Then use Photoshop to enhance it.
Here's what I started with...
And, the before and after:
Here's what I started with...
f/5.6 1/160 ISO 200 My focal length was 130, so maybe if my ss was 1/200 then it would have been sharper. Or maybe there was camera shake. Or maybe the sun flare.
Ok, so what I like about this is that the highlights aren't completely blown. Her messy hair still looks like hair. What I don't like is that its so dark on her face and in her shirt that it's just not working. Her eyes are flat with no catch-lights to speak of.
What could/should I have tried? Maybe a touch of fill flash- or maybe hanging a big white blanket behind me. Or maybe my reflector.
What did I do? I photo-shopped it. Of course my goal is to be way closer to this IN CAMERA, so I don't have to tweak so much to "save" it.
Finished image:
And, the before and after: