Thursday, July 16, 2009

You Capture: Shapes

Oooh, you know I've been sorting through the thousand+ photos I took over our 4 day beach vacation. I had some good snaps last year, but this year was a whole new beast shooting in manual. I was very disappointed when I screwed up a shot and missed a moment, but overall I think I got some pictures that captured the spirit of the annual "reunion." The Flickr set can be found here if you missed it. Don't worry, there arent a thousand.

So, over at I Should Be Folding Laundry this week's You Capture topic is shapes. Here are my contributions. They aren't all perfect by any stretch, but I like some things about each of them. I am not great at pruning.

My niece's impression of a star:

Align CenterThe corner posts of a log cabin:

Bocce is a near constant during low tide:

beach bocce

More bocce:


Lobster traps at rest:

many traps

And a pretty neat trapezoid:

boat through dock

The moon over Damariscotta lake:

moon over Damariscotta Lake

And this little peace sign- made (literally) by the light of the moon with a longish exposure:

The moon= peace

I hope you're doing well and your summer's swell.


  1. These are beautiful! The log cabin corner caught my eye and then I scrolled to the bocce balls alone on the beach and ... oh, enjoyed them all! Looks like you had a great time!!!

  2. these shots are wonderful
    you inspire me with them
    the photos give me a whole new way to see things
    in so many ways

    so yeah
    you're rocking!

  3. I love that picture of your niece!

  4. They are wonderful! It's impossible for me to pick a favorite, but your niece made me smile and I definitely lingered over the bocce balls with that awesome reflection in the water. Really inspiring work!
